Adam Panagos / Engineer / Lecturer
Complex Number and Complex Function Review
This series of videos reviews basic definitions and operations associated with complex numbers and complex functions. Understanding how to work with these quantities is essential as we'll be working with complex numbers and transformations regularly throughout the course.
Basic Definitions
Running Time: 5:23
This series of videos reviews basic definitions and operations associated with complex numbers and complex functions.This first video defines the rectangular format and polar format of a complex number, and also visualizes complex numbers in the complex plane.
Complex Number Operations
Running Time: 10:44
This second video defines a variety of operations that can be performed on complex numbers such as: addition, multiplication, magnitude, and phase computations. It also derives expression for both the magnitude and phase of a ratio of complex numbers.
Complex Number Operations Example
Running Time: 8:34
The previous video in this series provide general definitions of several complex number operations. This video performs specific example computations of complex number addition, conjugation, multiplication, magnitude, and phase.
Complex Numbers and Operations in Matlab